Nobody wants to think about it. The days are still warm; the sun still lingers well into the evening.
But the birds of Alaska already have winter on their minds, and if you stop and look carefully, there are signs of their retreat everywhere.
Migration time is nearly here. And one of the best places to view it is Potter Marsh.
"Certainly, activity is starting to wind down, although there are going to be birds there for a couple of months at least," Stan Senner, vice president and executive director of the National Audubon Society's Alaska state office, said of the birds that arrived at the marsh just two months ago.
Then, Potter Marsh was bustling with the arrival of migrant loons, waterfowl, shorebirds and geese. It's probably one of the most productive places to view birds in the Anchorage Bowl. In the spring, it attracts such species as the Pacific loon, red-necked grebe, greater scaup, canvasback, Barrow's goldeneye and arctic tern. Tundra and trumpeter swans can be seen during migration, as well as various raptors.