Berry Color as an Indicator of Quality

smGrapesFindings show that severely water-stressed vines yield juice with more color, while machine-pruning produces more color than hand-pruning.

Good tea makes stronger health

smTeacupIn Russia, customers often come across falsified tea: even paying quite enough we can get product of poorer or worse quality. It is important to know several essential instructions to choose good and aromatic tea.

Grapefruit: science of vitamins, beauty and joy of living

smGrapefruitWinter is a season when we can enjoy citrus fruits, bright tangerines, aromatic oranges and juicy grapefruits. It is a disputable issue which of the citrus fruits is best for our health, but slightly bitter grapefruit is the most refined among them.

Botanists are still uncertain what country is the homeland of grapefruit. This tropical fruit grows in the Mediterranean countries, Japan, China, South America and in the Caucasus. The first evidence mentioning grapefruit dates back to the 18th century when English sailor found huge trees with big fruits on Barbados. When growing on a tree, grapefruits usually form bunches resembling grapes. Supposedly, the fruit was called 'grapefruit' because of such likeness.

ALASKA Blueberries

smBluebBlueberries (Vaccinium uliginosum) Mmm Mmm Good They are so good that every type of wildlife from ptarmigan (Alaskan Chickens) to insects, Grizzly Bears to little shrews, even humans, gorge on them. Grizzly Bears in Denali National Park eat over 30,000 to 50,000 berries a day and a large portion of them are blueberries. Humans eat them raw or prepare them in jellies, jams, pies, muffins, and freeze for use in winter. To learn how to prepare all types of berries, you can find information at the UAF Cooperative Extension Web site, please see listing below.